Structural Insulated Panels

The 21st century building material.

SIP panels are the building material for the 21st Century

Structural insulated panels (SIPs) are a high performance building system for residential and light commercial construction. The panels consist of an insulating foam core sandwiched between two structural facings, typically oriented strand board (OSB). SIPs are manufactured under factory controlled conditions and can be fabricated to fit nearly any building design. The result is a building system that is extremely strong, energy efficient and cost effective. Building with SIPs will save you time, money and labor.

Are Structural Insulated Panels More Expensive?

Building with SIPs generally costs about the same as building with wood frame construction when you factor in the labor savings resulting from shorter construction time and less jobsite waste. Other savings are realized because smaller heating and cooling systems are required with SIP construction.

SIPA does not maintain pricing data from individual manufacturing members. If you are looking for pricing information, please contact us directly.

Design and SIP

Do I need a special SIP design?

SIPs can work with most any existing designs and often allow for a better design then conventional materials as their extreme strength and light weight allows for larger spans between supports.


Its just foam, how strong can it be?

SIPs are Strong! Although each building project has to be individually engineered and rated testing has shown steel SIP construction to perform 3 times stronger then traditional building methods.

Energy Star Product

How efficient are they?

SIPs offer an unmatched envelope seal. They usually allow for a heating and cooling system to be reduced by half, although this must be verified in each situation by your HVAC professional. Homeowners also tend to use the HVAC systems less as the buildings allow for more comfortable conditions even when not being heated or cooled. When combined with Low E 366 windows and LED lighting Energy Star performance can easily be met.


What other benefits do SIPs offer?

SIPs offer so many benefits that are difficult to match by other building methods. To a builder though a big advantage is how extremely precise the product is to build with. Looking down a 100 foot wall of perfect plumb is a special feeling for a builder and you get that throughout when constructing with SIPs.

Steel Interior Framing

Why use steel framing inside?

Steel interior framing greatly reduces the chances for termites, insects, and rodents. Steel also allows a designer to utilize a more open and unobstructed floor plan and minimizes a fires fuel source. SIP construction allows for low homeowners insurance rates.

Renewable Building

Are they good for the environment?

Steel SIPs are produced with virtually no waste and 98% of the foam core is actually air. Up to 80% less waste is produced during the dry in process and when the home is one day remodeled or removed the SIPs and steel framing can fully be recycled.